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Military Slave

An Expose on Militarism in Social Engineering

The human species is a predominantly mammalian species.

Like all mammalian species it is driven to cooperative group activies for survival against other predators and the changeable realities of climate and natural disasters.

Due to the absence of apex predators above them, they now commonly form groups against each other.

This species wide dysfunction is commonly known as tribalism.

The tribalism throughout humanity’s history has often been tempered with the realities of scarce resources requiring cooperation amongst tribes rather than conflict. This was the source of fair trade.

However, due to the advent of Imperialism, that is the successful rhetoric of daisy chaining multiple tribes to artifical identities like nations, The necessity of coooperation has been undermined.

This enslavement of groups using nationalism rhetoric is now the norm for the species.

This allows for a tribal monopoly to dominate the smaller local tribal groups.

This has resulted in the pheonomenon of war, and the obscentiy of mass murder and genocide.

Cultural values and religious values are of course merely pawns to support the rhetoric of Imperialism.


Due to the advent of the internet and the information age, it has become necessary for Imperialists to play mind strategies (e.g. MK ULTRA and NLP) to maintain the artifice of nationhood in order to maintain their leverage on the tribalists.

Any local attack on the issue of corruption at a local level can easily be revisioned into an attack on the nation as a whole !

This allows the rhetoric of nationalism to be reinforced, and the NLP gambit of ‘terrorism’ to be applied as a coercive measure for increased control of the population.

Thus militarism is fostered and advocated for at all levels.

This now includes the use of military memes within religious orthodoxy ( religions were originally about peace and cooperation), as a means of maintaining their grip on their flock.

Thus history is rewritten to produce pro-military propaganda to reinforce the conflict and disperse the idea of peaceful cooperation.

This use of military memetics is becoming increasingly commonplace within the corporate systems, as the conflict and soldiering mentalities are so useful for corporate exploitation, and control, of natural resources.

It is noticeable that many employees no longer behave as employees, but as soldiers seeking the approval of their board level generals.

Business has become no longer about fair trade but about economic warfare.

Warfare builds the slave soldier mentality that makes for easily controllable and manageable employees.

Thus we have a perpetual warfare to support the ever increasing exploitative profiteering of the corporations.

Side Effects

Militarism has become so endemic within the business community, that it is now commonplace for employees to wish their competitors dead.

It is now commonplace for monopolies to take over and control diverse trade groups as a means to dominate markets.

Modern corporate agendas are not about profit so much as conquest of markets (the military meme in action).

It is also noticeable that religious rhetoric has become increasingly militaristic, and the ideas of jihad and crusade are no longer seen as the adolescent failures they were, but are now seen as worthy goals, especially in business.

Indeed the modern approach to hiring staff is to seek out the most fundamentalist believers in the corporate paradigm and mark them as best placed for advancement within the corporate army.

Modern business has becomeĀ  the representation of a military psychosis writ large across the planet.

A classic example of this is the abuses and violence endemic in areas of high natural resources like Africa and the Middle East.

Furthermore, we see the common war strategy of economic sanctions now being applied to those who symbolise the necessity of cooperative humanity for maintaining communities, the unemployed, the sick and the disabled.

Anyone who symbolises life outside the economic military slave mindset must be vilified and demonised to maintain the war propaganda !

Thus we live in a world driven mad by conflict.

Slave soldiers continue to fight for the benefit of the Imperialist Elite !

Salary is the payment for service to the war machine of the Corporation !

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