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An Expose on Religion and the Blame Game

Human beings are very similar to their mammalian counterparts in their use of group tactics to maintain hierarchies and other social control systems.


The most common of these is the ‘many against one’ tactic of bullying to maintain social structure.

It is interesting to note that the majority of any group will participate in the bullying to maintain their own position in the pecking order, and to avoid becoming the target themselves.

This twofold force of fear of loss of position, and fear of being targeted, become a core driving neurosis of all mammals with mammalian social structures like tribalism and hunting parties.

One can see the value of maintaining social structure in a hunting party so that tactics of the group are applied in a coherent manner to obtain maximum strategic effect in hunting prey.

However, one should question the validity of transferring hunting protocols into civilian life.

Humanity has not required hunting parties in generations, the majority of food and resource acquisition is obtainable through cooperation, and therefore this archaic neurosis really should have died out.

The interesting thing is that it is fostered and maintained as a means to maintain an inappropriate tribalism within modern societies.

Cui Bono ?

The primary beneficiary of these hierarchical power structures are obviously those who are at the top of the structure.

Thus it becomes obvious that the fostering of tribal hunting protocols is useful to maintain invalidated religious power systems, and invalidated political power systems, worldwide.

An educated populace has to be ‘tricked’ into compliance with hierarchies.

The habituation to ‘hunting protocols’ is reinforced through major sports events.

This is the primary reason for sporting events.

It is a means of reinforcing hunting protocol responses to maintain habitual compliance with hierarchical social structures.

AKA Bread and circuses 😉

This is the power matrix of all societies across the planet, and why governments and their operators are never treated as equals, but always as masters or servants.

The Trick

Part of the maintenance of power structures is having a strategy for when there is disruption to the orthodox order of the hierarchy from external sources, like natural disasters, conflicts with neighbouring species, and conflicts with different geographical cultures of the same species.

The first casualty of conflict is the truth !


The habitual response to any challenge to the hierarchy is to change vision of the opposition to one of enmity.

This has been fostered successfully for millenia through the use of demonisation.

This was the religious power of the leadership in all societies.

The opposition must be demonised to obtain maximum compliance with the current orthodoxy.

This is the reinforcement of loyalty compliance to the orthodoxy.

Through the use of religious authority it is possible to put loyalty compliance above the survival mechanism of the individual, thus creating a hunting party willing to risk their own death to maintain the authority of the leadership.

This is the core of militarism and its psychotic offspring of crusaders, jihadis, and kamikaze mentations.


As a result of globalisation of connectivity throughout the world, due to the internet and socialising media forces like faceboook et al, there is a new more ephemeral problem with maintaining order in social structures.

Previously this was obtained through the use of simplistic propaganda and limiting public speech through licensing the ability to broadcast.

But the modern connected media allows for broadcast by all individuals, and therefore an uncontrollable cacophony of opinions tend to drown out propaganda.

This has to some extent been mitigated by the use of carefully crafted rhetoric, and misrepresentation of the reliability of media by the leaders, in order to maintain a world view of the necessity of economic slavery (economics).

However, due to the accelerated take up of social media the collective populace became cynical about propaganda and a more effective approach was required.

Going back to old ideas about maintaining power structures,  hierarchical power addicts looked at the success of the religions in maintaining their authority across generations for inspiration.

They discovered that the modern human can easily be returned to a more primitive tribal state through the leverage of moralism and tribalism.

The application of ‘vision change’ to reinforce enmity can be done within a society to prevent any opposition to the orthodoxy.

This has allowed Popes to remain supreme authorities across millenia, despite reformations of faith and fractures into hundreds of variants of adherence.

This knowledge of divide and rule has been applied successfully in the near past and is still applied today.

The ‘how to’ is really quite simple …

  1. Create a focus
  2. Ascribe to that focus hidden malice
  3. Describe that focus in the worst terms possible
  4. Remove all legal and cultural protections from that focus
  5. Evidence past crimes of that focus

The Cadre of control 😉

This is the process of demonisation, and the process of scapegoating …

This is how to distract public attention from the authority and maintain social order authority.

(You will note I stated social order authority and not social order, as social order is a natural phenomenon of groups and does NOT require authority to maintain it, indeed social authority often hijacks an existing order and exploits it to its own ends.)

Side Effects

The application of scapegoating is commonplace not only within political and religious rhetoric, but also within family dynamics. It is that pervasive as a social force.

The epidemic of bullying we see in playgrounds is merely a reflection of the epidemic of bullying we see throughout the mass media.

It is also commonplace in all workplaces, both public and private sector.

It is notable that the commonest modern tribalism is one of economic values rather than cultural values.

It is also notable that most within the populace are too busy scapegoating each other to ever form a coherent opposition to the social authority.  ( the enslavement is by the slaves themselves. )


Knowledge of the application of scapegoating has for many years been an arcane trick of the powerful elite.

The mass media have always been complicit in this ( being part of the same social authority structure).

The mass media can only exist if the masses comply by giving their attention !

  • Turn off from mass media compliance
  • Stop funding mass media profits
  • Stop funding tribalism with sports attendance
  • Stop scapegoating the different

Remember you are a human and NOT an insect in a hive !

Spiritual development is personal, for all, and

NOT the exclusive preserve of authorities of ANY KIND !

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