
Archive for 26/04/2014

Sustaining the Sanity Boundary

An Expose on the Corruption of Civilisation for Mass Control of the Populace

Human beings, in common with other mammals, find evolutionary advantage in living as groups.
This presents problems with the innate development of individuality.
To resolve this conflict all group species develop cultural codes for social behaviour.
The aim of these codes is to sustain a balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the species group.
In humanity these cultural codes are often complex and prone to hijacking by dominant individuals.
Thus, the history of human cultures is littered with the tales of social control, social upheaval, and social revolution.
All of these episodes follow the same repeating pattern of repression, rebellion, and salvation.
It is in the last cycle that we find the seeds of the first.
Every Salvation will promote future repression.
The challenge for the species is to achieve rebellion without salvation, thus breaking the religious cycle of the New leader being better than the Old.
This failure to achieve rebellion to autonomy is a direct result of childhood conditioning where peer conflicts are resolved by parents.
Thus within any social rebellion, there will always be opportunistic predators, who can fool the populace into thinking they have found a reliable and trustworthy superparent in their leadership.
Thus rebellion to autonomy is inhibited by parasitic leadership sowing the seeds of future repression.
The mechanisms for parasitic leadership are many and varied, but operate with a common thread of religious authority.
Thus religions have been the commonest source of social repression throughout human history.
Only when the species groups have recognised this parasitic will democracy become possible.
All current labels of democracy are merely repression management via religions, and the controlled opposition dynamics of PR!
Whilst people continue to believe in a Saviour, they will NEVER achieve autonomy!
The power of prophets lies NOT in their understanding , but in the offer of salvation they foster in the public mind!
Adults do NOT need salvation !

Categories: General