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Hive of the Cyclops

An Expose on the Industrialisation of Education

Human beings have long valued the application of group activities to better their survival, from hunting as a pack to bring down more powerful predators and quick-witted prey, to the community gathering activities for efficient harvesting of local flora.

This application of group activities includes a natural opportunity for inter-generational education and training.

Thus the knowledge base of the species is always far greater than that contained within single individuals.

Indeed, it could be argued that the sharing of information lies at the very centre of the successful survival of communities.

Those individuals who are motivated by power and greed find within these situations a fertile ground for exploitation.

The history of religions attests to this gullibility within the group information sharing systems.


The history of mass communities reveals the application of religion as one of the primary means of orchestrating, controlling, and maintaining authority over large communities.

What is immediately apparent from this historical overview is the complete cognitive dissonance over what constitutes a religion.

For most of historical rhetoric, religion is limited to the orthodoxy of death cults and cultural moralities.

In reality, however, the religions that actually operate are driven by familial values, and world views that maintain the dynastic genetic agenda of the local hierarchies at the time.

Thus we see throughout the history of civilisations the application of religious rhetoric in politics and economics.

It is therefore appropriate to conclude that both political theory and economic theory are religions.


The colonialisation of the world by the British empire coincided with the industrial revolution.

This allowed for the new religion of hive mentality to thrive in the world views of the indentured servitude of modern economics.

Please read that sentence again!

Thus the modern industrial economic system became a world of economic hives replacing human communities.

This has been abundantly reflected in cultural horror memes and populist film media.

Along with this worldview of hive mentality came the reshaping of education into a conditioning for the masses.

Thus education became a means of religious instruction rather than a sharing of knowledge for understanding.


As a side effect of the dynastic genetic agenda of the hierarchies, there has developed the idea of one primary source of truth in all systems.

The religious idea that there is authority in facts, ignoring the reality that facts are independent of authority 😉

This monomania has produced both a myopic and tunneled vision of the environment.

This tunnelled vision has been repackaged into the terminology of specialisation to support the mentality of the industrial hive.

Thus education has been dove-tailed into multiple tunneled viewpoints of reality rather than the overview of accuracy.

The moralism of specialisation has resulted in an entire educational infrastructure based on the premise that specialisation is a necessity for understanding.

So those who have spent the most time completely immersed in one subject to the exclusion of all else ( obsession ) are lauded with social approval and cultural validations (degrees, masters, doctorates, etc.)

This is like saying that only through a microscope is accurate observation possible.

 It is worth noting at this point how distorted the worldview of individuals becomes based on their repetitive behaviours … staring down a microscope all day will produce tunnel vision 😉


All human beings recognise the diversity of landscape and how any place exists in context with the landscape.

This awareness is lost when education forces the mentality into myopic and tunnelled perceptions.

Exactly the same loss is incurred during repetitive employment.

So we see modern industrial economics producing a caged, hive mentality, where all the environment resembles all other environments.

Thus all major modern cities look identical, thus reinforcing the hive mentality.

The interesting thing is the escapist holiday mentality invariably seeks out landscapes that are just as much part of the hive world view as their workplace.

A hotel is just another apartment block 😉

Diversity VS Homogeneity

The primary side effect of the hive mentality is the loss of diversity due to the homogenising effect of sameness of environment.

Thus socialisation has become the process of adapting to a hive homogeneity, rather than adapting to a diverse community.

During this modern process much of the social skills and interpersonal skills of negotiation, and compromise are lost.

This has produced a society of individuals who are less resilient and less able to cope and adapt with a changing environment.

This loss of skills is evident in the modern phenomena of stereotyped perceptions and iconism of perceptions.

The reality of the hive mentality is an observable dumbing down of the mentation and an infantilism of the emotions.

In effect, the species has institutionalised itself within its own religious orthodoxy of economic exploitation.


This religious orthodoxy of economic exploitation has corrupted the education system into repetition of knowledge for profit only, and wholly controlled research by only researching into that which can be exploited for short-term gains.

Thus the development of education and knowledge has stalled, and become insular in its self-seeking profiteering.

This state of the education system has, of course, bled back into society as a whole and resulted in social organisations experiencing the same myopia, and short-termism in their operations and planning.

This has also corrupted the operations of all large organisations and resulted in bureaucracy degrading functionality and stifling innovation in operations of all businesses.

  • The average employee has absolutely no clue as to the operations of the larger organisation.
  • The average scientist has absolutely no clue as to the science of other subjects.
  • The average soldier has absolutely no clue as to the strategies or agendas of the military command systems.
  • The average boss has absolutely no clue as to the day-to-day operations of their employees.
  • The average Professor has absolutely no clue as to the diverse operations of their university.
  • The average politician has absolutely no clue as to the day-to-day issues of their constituents.

and the list goes on.

What we see in the modern system is a perverse dysfunction of myopic operations loosely held together by a profit motive and no mutual understanding or common goals.

This is why it is to all intent and purposes a free for all when it comes to privatisation of public services, and the hijacking and break up of businesses for short-term gain.

The average person has now become habituated to living their lives in short-term satisfactions in a bubble of their own entertainments.

This is NOT humanity!

This is a retarded and institutionalised infantilism!


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