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Mirror Culture

An Expose on Media Driven Child Rearing

The experience of the modern human female role in society is predominantly sadomasochistic. This is well recognised.
However, as a side effect of this sadomasochism, there appears a compensating strategy of OCD behaviors.
The commonest observable OCD is the application of makeup and clothing as a means to intensify an image to give the (compensating) illusion of control.
This dependency upon intensified imagery acts as a security blanket to protect the psyche from its social vulnerability.
As a major side effect, this dependency creates a perspective distortion that results in an image lifestyle having greater psychological weight than reality.
Thus the commonest forms of female behaviours are often  obsessive illusions like romance and idolatry.
As the female then rears its young within this environment, so the issues are passed on and the modern virtual reality neurosis becomes the norm.
This is amply evidenced by the modern person needing to be emotionally, and mentally distracted as much as possible.
Media has become part of the psychological compensating security blanket to avoid facing social vulnerability.
Thus the modern human is too busy having a lifestyle to have a life.
Lifestyle becomes an institutionalised state of neurotic dependency.
The consumerist economy is reliant upon this being the norm.
So modern society is a self reinforcing loop of imagined living as opposed to real life.
The average person lacks the ability to quiet their mind, and is far too nervous to quiet their emotions, as this would expose the illusionary nature of the virtual reality of images they depend upon for psychological stability!
Along with this dependency on lifestyle goes the homogenisation of imagery.
Because imaged lifestyle is a security blanket, then it is prone to the associated issues of emotional security of similarity neurosis, also known as group think, or hive mind.
Thus lifestyles are always prone to hierarchical imagery and class/stereotyped limitations.
Thus the search for an individual image is always a fantasy escapism !
It is therefore a litmus test for the mental health of a society to examine the perception of nakedness/nudity, i.e. Without the overlay of image.
This is more commonly evidenced by the concept and treatment of pornography within cultures.
Pornographic representations and erotica are clear guides to the emotional wellbeing and mental health of a society.
The more repressed, the more sadomasochistic a society becomes.
This is readily evidenced by religiously devout societies !

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